
Sony: If We Make It, They Will Buy
SCEE CEO brimming with confidence regarding PS3.
by Luke Smith, 05/19/2006

When Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves admits that "key launch titles" will slip into 2007 he also admits that to Sony, it doesn't really matter what ships at launch.

"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games," Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview. During the same interview, Reeves admits that Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and Formula One will all see release in early 2007 within the PS3 "launch window." Insomniac's gritty World War II shooter (with aliens) Resistance: Fall of Man will be there at launch according to Reeves.

It's not games like Heavenly Sword slipping into the "launch window" instead of the "launch day" category that is concerning -- it's Sony admitting that even if there were no games to purchase, consumers would still be lining up en masse to grab the PS3.

We get it, Sony, you were the market leader for two solid generations of console making, but you might be placing a little too much faith in the perceived strength of your brand to ask people to fork over $600 for your console regardless of the available software.
Quite a bold statement from Sony, I must say. The sad thing is, though...they're probably right.

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