
Juicy Playstation 3 Rumors
Posted by sjohnson - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:51 PM

Until E3, you'll all have to content yourself with rumors when it comes to the PlayStation 3, but these are some gooood rumors. PSM, "The Unofficial Playstation Magazine," is reporting that the PS3 will be released in November, come with a standard 60-gig harddrive, and be all Blu-rayed out. Oh, and the price? Only $399.00, cheap.

The titles on launch are said to be:

* John Woo's Strangehold
* Tekken
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Resistance: Fall of Man
* Rainbow Six: Vegas
* Lair
* Motorstorm
* Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

It almost sounds like wishful thinking... Hopefully, all will be revealed officially at the E3 and I'll let you know as soon as I hear. I promise.

PSM Magazine
Amazing if they could get that price...I sure do hope so.

Plus, I'm hoping that the list is somewhat incorrect (though I'll buy the Sonic game at launch) because I'm hoping the SCEA's Formula One game will also be a launch title. Either way, without the region restrictions anymore, even if its a PAL release, you could always import.