Those cars go just as fast as all the others, except that they're the only ones who are driving them full out, lol.

Car types:

Roadster - Fastest car available. It's the one with the long nose front and the fin-tail on the back.

Single-hatchback - Moderatly fast. It has the heavy-bumper front, and occassionally comes in two-tones, which seem to be a bit faster than the standard ones. Only thing faster is the roadster.

Double-hatchback - i.e. the car with the two-door back as opposed to the trunk-style. This is the most common car it would seem, and is a bit slower than the single.

Truck - Slow as molasses, but durable.

Freight truck - haven't driven any yet...tried to hijack a few, only thing that happens so far is some rival button men come out blasting. Although you can net an easy $2K - $4K in a money bag. Just take the money and run. I haven't been able to interrogate a driver yet, but I'll try again. Hitting a truck or shooting or punching it at an intersection, will spook the driver and make the truck speed off, heedless of who he hits, so you're gonna have to use your car as a rolling roadblock. Eventually the driver will stop and the button men will come out. Oh, and the trucks are color-coded, so don't mess with the black ones, those are yours.

Taxis, Police cars, etc.: Taxis I haven't driven that much, and the Police cars seem about as fast as their regular counterparts. I don't know for sure though.

Well, that's my vehicle assessment, hope it helps!

What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot'em a mile away?

You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit.