Originally posted by J Geoff:
As for cheating... yes, sir! Every chance I get! I suck at video games... I hardly ever play ANY at all... so yeah, I need a boost now and then if I'm low in health or ammo. Kill me. :p
See, therein lies the flaw in the game. You don't even need to cheat. Sure, it is easier to use the cheat code to get more ammo and health right away, but you are already given an unlimited supply of ammo from the safehouses. As far as health is concerned, sometimes it is better off to die. If you're getting close to a starting a mob war with some family, all you have to do is get yourself killed and your vendetta will automatically drop. The only thing that happens when you die is you lose $500. That is cheaper than starting a mob war and paying off the FBI agent for 3 grand and a lot more convenient than bombing a business, then having to wait for a week for the damn thing to open up again. There is absolutely no meaningful punishment or consequence for getting killed.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.