IGN has a fresh preview from February 16th of Major League Baseball 2K6. I have to admit, I'm still kind of torn, but after watching videos of both games from IGN and Gamespot, it really does look like I'm going with 2K6, simply because of the presentation and the gameplay. What I don't like is they've still got the stupid ass two-button contact/power hitting system.

However, if nothing else, IGN gave it a glowing preview:

In effect, our unfinished build of MLB 2K6 is already the smartest baseball game ever created.
Kush completely rewrote the physics for the game, and fielders have much more weight to them this year. Turning on a dime is very difficult, and it will take a while to become accustomed to the new engine, but you'll be happy to see some solid player-collisions in the field and in the base paths. Bored after a play? Go sprint into your third basemen and knock him over. Collisions increase the risk of injury.
On the field performance, the amount of playing time, batting order, position, umpire arguments, team chemistry, salary, length of contract and contract negotiations all factor in to player happiness.
The presentation is excellent already. Joe Morgan and Jon Miller provide some of the best in-game commentary ever in a videogame that includes play-by-play and tremendous insight into the history and nuances of the game. On Xbox and hard-drive-equipped PS2s, game highlights are recorded. If you jack one with Jeter in the first, they'll replay the highlight at the end of the inning and before Jeter's next AB, just like in a broadcast.