Originally posted by Dominic Corleone:
seeing the game is 1945-1955 era

Name: Dominic "The Trojan" Dominari

D.O.B: 03/23/1920

Position in The Family:
start as an associate - try to become capo

Distinguishing Features:
scar on left side of face - long run short run

Background/Life Story:
born in Corleone, Sicily - Father and 7 brothers part of the The Corleonesi Crime Syndicate. (who are Friends with Corleone's - Vito Andolini and Salvatore Dominari grew up together, before Vito's father and brother are killed.) - was sent at the age of 5 to live with his Uncle Peter "The Lion" Leone a Corleone Soldier (on the crime family tree) - made his bones at 16.
Well thought out, Dominic, I like it.
