seeing the game is 1945-1955 era

Name: Dominic "The Trojan" Dominari

D.O.B: 03/23/1920

Position in The Family:
start as an associate - try to become capo

Distinguishing Features:
scar on left side of face - long run short run

Background/Life Story:
born in Corleone, Sicily - Father and 7 brothers part of the The Corleonesi Crime Syndicate. (who are Friends with Corleone's - Vito Andolini and Salvatore Dominari grew up together, before Vito's father and brother are killed.) - was sent at the age of 5 to live with his Uncle Peter "The Lion" Leone a Corleone Soldier (on the crime family tree) - made his bones at 16.

All right, you are what you are. It’s your nature. You stay close to me. You don’t do anything. You keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open. And you do what I tell you. Understand?