Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[quote]Originally posted by don vencent:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Brando88:
[b] Sooner or later, I think we won't be able to resist this challenge, to have leastwise a small taste of the Corleone's life (actions).
I'm sure someday everyone from us will have bought this game.

Generally, I see the game as a good step to make the Gf story even more famous.
you siad it I allways wanted to be corleone mademan. Does anybody
no if you can make your own player and name [/b][/quote]Yes, you will be able to. When the game begins, you will be able to create your character using the "Gameface" engine from Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005. [/b][/quote]Yuuupi! These is just goody goody! I am alredy planning how my character is gonna be!