Originally posted by Lollie:
Yeah, I sort of figured I'd be "sleeping with the fishes" over this last post! LOL! Well, like I said, I really haven't seen anything recently to make a sweeping judgement like that. How was he in Donny Brasco? My sister told me years ago that she saw Pacino do a one-man sfage act that she thought was just phenominal, so I knew that I was going into this discussion a lettle less informed. Ok, so you think I should rent Scent of a Woman? First, let me say that I am not into sappy, tear-jerker movies like most women are. I prefer the type of movies that men like: action, horror, crime stuff, you know?

I'll let you know if I come up with anything!

Ciao, bamino
The genre is drama, not a tear-jerker though. If not for Pacino, you would not have heard of this movie at all. The story is pretty straight-forward and Pacino occupies a lot of the screen time.