Let me start by saying, I understand where the dissapointment is coming from. "Last" episode of the season and no major hits or huge plot developments...depending on how you view it. First of all, this was absolutely not the last episode of the season. No where have I read the next 8 episodes are called Season 7. They are still part of season 6. Yes, we have to no wait until January for them, but none the less they are bonus episodes which make season 6 extra long. Secondly, I agree with what Joeybats said in a different thread. This is all set up for the last 8 episodes, which makes total and complete sense. They are, as Joey correctly put, restablishing who these characters are, and what they each stand to lose when hell breaks out.

I personally believe this part of the season ended beautifully and peacefully and thats what needed to be done. The entire family (more or less) sitting around at Christmas time in a visually attractive final shot. Carmella even emphasized the fact that the family is beautiful. Now we have this picture of beauty lingering with us for the next 7 or so months. In the last eight episodes, I believe it will be torn apart.

Yes, Tony seemed to have "made peace" with Phil while he was in the hospital with the heart attack. But we must keep in mind that Phil didn't say anything back to him. Tony told him not to cry, though even if he did touch Phil with his words, we saw how Phil's crew still treated him disrespectfully. They will not understand what Tony and possibly Phil understand about the importance of life and family, etc. because of their near death experiences. Also, as the FBI agent told Tony, there are rumors of a hit of someone close to him floating around. Phil could have possibly Okayed it before the heart attack and they could carry through with it before he gets the chance to say nevermind. Then again, who says Phil will even change anyway.

I still predict a NY vs. NJ war for the final 8 episodes. I have a hard time seeing this amazing television series ending happily. (Though I wouldn't mind if it did.)
