Good Episode.

I like how they have been referencing past seasons this season. One small example, last night when Carmella and Tony are discussing AJ, she brings up AJ saying “God is Dead” at his confirmation party. I immediately thought of one of my favorite lines from Carm “It’s your confirmation, can’t you be a good catholic for at least 15 F***ing minutes. Classic, I think the past references keep the show feeling real and keep the fans involved

A Couple of Things.

Once again the foolish culture of the Mafia clashing with the culture of today. All too often they use the Catholic Church for convenience and as a crutch. Phil and his wife talking about Vito’s sickness and how the church does not condone the behavior and the embarrassment of the family. However the life of killing, stealing, cheating, I guess God gives you a pass for that. Funny.

The other thing I was thinking about is how right after Vito got his beating everyone knew it was Phil. Later when Carmella brings up Jackie Jr. I just looked at Rosalie and said she knows exactly who killed Jackie. And even later when Carmella had the dream about Adrianna I said deep down Carmella knows what happened. Again convenience, look the other way and continue to take and steal. I found it very interesting how the three individuals (Vito, Jackie, and Adrianna) were addressed last night.

Did Vito always labor the way he does when he walks. I don’t remember him always walking like that. It looks like he has a lot of trouble. He also looks like he put a bunch of weight back on.

Is Phils wife wearing the pants so to speak.

What does "Cold Stones " come from. I did not pick up the refrence

Tony has all but forgotten about his second chance at life and looks like the whole Kevin Finerty thing did not teach him anything. I hope something happens to address that again.

Silvio's DNA line about chopping the guy up was funny.

It’s still all about Money.

"Francis can I have a momment"