Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Baccala has to do something about Janice.
He has to do something about HIMSELF.

He's been much too susceptible to comments made by others (about himself). Tony tells him he has to go out on his own and do something so he concocts the plan to shoot the rapper. Janice belittles him for not doing anything to the ride owner and only then does he go and beat up the guy.

Next week's TV Guide alludes to something about Janice. [/b][/quote]It's interesting to see that Janice hasn't completely thrown out her Macbeth costume. Of course, it always ends up trouble for the guy; remember Richie?... well, she had slight role in his demise but he was on his way down regardless.

In that same season, we were introduced to Bobby who was basically one of the stragglers in Junior's crew. He was very docile which everyone used to dump all over him; no respect at all. In the last couple of seasons, he's been stepping up a bit and this season he doesn't hold back. Now, with Janice's prodding/nagging, who knows where this'll end up?


We might be able to tape the gun behind it.