Great episode for a few reasons . . .

1. The flashback, eerie, moving.
2. The music, seemed like it was finally back to the way it used to be done in the 1st season, with a lot of good music. That made me really happy.
3. Key character and story developments in Chris and Paulie.

Sometimes I feel like all this show needs to do to get me to like it is just focus on Chris. He is so clearly the best part of the show for me.

I really liked the inclusion of Paulie's split second Virgin Mary vision too. Thats one problem I've always had with the show is that they don't visually depict character's thoughts much outside of Tony's dreams. I love little literal depictions of thoughts like that.

And one other thing, did anyone notice the way Corky, Chris's druggie friend, asked about the Rusty hit? Made me think he's a rat maybe.

Can't wait for some good Sac action next week...

... and I don't mean Vito and Mr. Johnny Cakes.

1. Members Only (6.1)
2. The Ride (6.9)
3. Live Free or Die (6.6)
4. Johnny Cakes (6.8)
5. Join the Club (6.2)
6. Mr. and Mrs. Sacrimoni Request (6.5)
7. Luxury Lounge (6.7)
8. Mayham (6.3)
9. The Fleshy Part of the Thigh (6.4)

I'm really happy with this season so far. I'm just really hoping for a good conclusion. And I'm sure I'll like it all more once it's done.

I dream in widescreen.