That flash of the statue as Paulie was alone in the BadaBing scared the hell out of me. Also, if it turns out Paulie does have cancer and he, god forbid, loses his hair...loses his WINGS, this show is over. Not even joking. That's the downfall of the Sopranos rigt there. Paulie with no wings.

Overall though, great episode. Chris had me talking to the television screen again, calling him an idiot for falling back into drugs. (Just like I did last week telling Tony not to cheat on Carmella with the real estate girl)

I do feel really bad for Paulie these days. Oh, and also when Chris and Tony spotted the wine crates and Chris said he saw it was a couple of bikers...I had a brief thought that it would be Vito and his new lover. Then I realized they weren't even in the right state, despite how hilarious it would have been to be caught like that lol.

Chris could not pick a worse time to start back up again on the drugs. After the bonding he and Tony had this week. Seemed strong enough to even give him the position of boss some day...maybe
