I liked this one too! Yea SC, I guess it was kind of dark. I am disappointed, although not too surprised at Chris' relapse. I'm surprised Tony more or less encouraged him.

Paulie's cancer scare with him feeling the need to go back to whom he knows as his mother; the broken carnival ride. Adriana's mother in the picture again, and Chris' flashback with Tony. I wonder if Adrian's murder will be pursued.

Some really humourous scenes too, stealing the wine. Yea the Vipers remark, "what's that the girl scouts troop name" (or something of the sort). Although Tony and Chris were really bonding, Carm's suspicious of Chris.

Oh,, and cheapskate Paulie with the festival!!

On a sidenote, I like the music tonight. Especially when Tony is lifting Janice's baby as they play "Red River Valley" in the background. I remember that particular version from way back. Also, for the older group, as they were rolling the credits at the end, did you catch the different version of "Pipeline."

I've like this whole season so far. I'll be sorry for the series to end if it continues to be this good.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon