Originally posted by Don Foozbond:
I'm not one to say this very often, but I wasn't impressed by this episode. It seemed to be just filler and not much else. No progress was made with Chris's movie, which is a dumb idea anyway so I guess that makes sense. The Artie thing was alright, but overall I'm not sure it really matters. Like Tony hinted at, I'm tired of hearing Artie bitch and complain about his "horrible life" over 6 seasons. The episode was good, which from a normal television show is fine, but I expect more from the Sopranos.
Actually, Don Foozbond, I thought it progressed pretty well, plus there were some rich LOL moments throughout the show (Ventimiglia rocks with the comedy, IMHO, so when they give him some spot, S'FORTUNATO!!!).

But back on topic, a good deal happened.

The Mayor of Munchkinland got clipped.

Chrissy's hittin both the sauce and the powders which shows that he's still an unreliable loser prone to such BA-A-AD moves as mugging a Hollywood legend.

Benny just may have joined the long list of disgruntled members of T's "other family" (I truly doubt that he's going to let a burned hand settle the matter).

Tony's now got two dilemma's he may have to deal with (Vito, whom he kinda/sorta still wants to protect, and now Artie, though that depends on whether Doogie Howser's buddy got his button).

We're also seeing more and more dealings with the Middle Easterners (notice not as many Russians these days); I think this is going to lead to some stickiness with the FBI.

Somehow, I don't think we've seen the last of the Albanian hostess.

So, there were some key moments that were more than just filler.


We might be able to tape the gun behind it.