Well, I think its called "johnny cakes" because thats what vito first ordered his first day in self-exile... i can see him opening up a Bed & Breakfast, but obviously its not going to get that far... judging from next week's trailers, things are heating up to "find vito".

Its interesting how people are very divided, I find myself with those who thought this was the best episode in a long time, others didnt find it so good, I think if you look more at the details you would find the humor and the sad fact of a lot of little things, how italians laugh at us (as in USA) and the weak dollar, how chris tries to venture out into the showbiz world but finds his hoodlum instincts trip him up, was that bag of trinkets really worth losing the respect and/or potential meeting with kingsly and/or punching legendary bacall out? even tony tossed half the stuff aside... things in this episode were sad, but profound.

I would call this "good old sopranos" where there is humor, irony and even a little bit of action, but the whole near death episode where tony "nearly" goes home is up there on the top 10 since it was pure genius... all and all, this seaon is not so hot with the exception of these two mentioned episodes.

"There are 2 types of people in the world, Italian, and those who wish they were Italian."

# # # JRCX