Yeah, whatever. Blue Jays, Red Sox, Marlins, Maple Leafs, Raptors, Celtics, Bruins, Lightning( ), Panthers, whatever. We all have our crosses to bear.

David "Big Papi" Ortiz is a beast! And besides the fact that he mostly DHs and Albert Pujols plays First, they're in the same league in my opinion. Manny Ramirez is believe it or not, underrated in my opinion. He's a little loco yeah, but you can't argue with his performance on the field. P-Mart might take The Mets to the playoffs this year on his shoulders mostly. Jason Varitek? One of the best catchers in the A.L. Curt Schilling, one of the best pitchers in the A.L. May the best teams win!

Artie Bucco will most likely not play the prominent role he did, like in this episode on next week's of course. But he's not GOING any where and perhaps I mistook you, T.W.L. but I don't feel that a character like his or Charmane's will just get whacked outta no where.