In my opinion, the best episode of the season so far. The Italian at the beginning was quite Godfatherlike. The guy wearing the hat (The Italian-American) was in an episode of L&O if I remember correctly.

New Blood, must be a dream of some to be made and a Mafioso. :rolleyes: Yeah, no thanks. Don't want to live my life watching my back constantly without a hope of peace, a second's rest or anything.

The antipasto at Da Giovanni must be quite nice, I'd like to try it some time.

Ben Kingsley. This episode makes me want to go out and buy DVD SEs of Gandhi and Sexy Beast and whatevertf. What else can I say?!

Tony saying that "it's common knowledge that the guy is retarded" about Carmine. L. was freakin hilarious!

I think the hit on "horseface" was carried out very well, to perfection almost, and there isn't too much more to be said on that. It was poetry.

That Albanian girl, Martina, is hottt! Too bad she's also a thieving whore! Also, Artie's comment on The Balkans ("another fun fact from The Balkans") was hilarious I think, although this episode proved that Artie B., is much smarter and much more multi dimensional than many would think.

I also really liked the back and forth between Tony and Artie B., shows a lot of good direction and great writing I think. That's another 5 Emmys or so right there. "Maybe you need another fresh start to fuck up!" Priceless right there folks! I gotta use that one some time!

I find women like KATHERINE NARDUCCI very, very attractive. She's hottt, caring, intelligent and doesn't put up with a lot of undue bullshit from Artie B. or anyone else. Great combo imo.

I think this episode proved that Artie B., and Carmine L. are smarter than they look and that Doogie Howser guy (Benny Fazio I think) is a lot dumber than he looks. Artie telling him to his face that he's a "people person" and him believing it, proved it, to me at least. The fight between him and Artie B. was beautiful but it seems that Benny F. is causing a lot of bullshit but he has to be dealt with by Tony by whatever means it takes.

The whole scene with Kingsley and Moltisanti and that other douche err...I was priceless. Very funny!

Those abnorms at P.E.T.A. might have some trouble with this episode cuz of the rabbit and all. But they are mentally retarded and may have to deal with it anyways.

Line of the night - Tony: "You need help ? Artie: Who from you? God NO!

Tremendous episode!