just another tv show that has to finish politically correct

i'm tired of the way MTV, Hollywood, movies and the media are tryin to make ******ry socially acceptable

now the writer's of the sopranos gotta do it

the thing i think is great about the sopranos is that over the seasons it shows how dealing with real life situations create certain emotions, but each character deals with them in a different way. The consequences are sometimes positive and sometimes negative.

Also, the inner workings of mob shit that goes on.

Nowaday's Hollywood and the media are tryin to make ******ry socially accepted and also make us feel bad for the way muslims are treated becuz of 9-11. But if they wanted to not be cliche, they woulda whacked Vito and talked bad about the camel jockeys.

Them being Politically Correct just like every other fuckin thing is CLICHE

everyone tries to be politically correct now. Bring back the archie bunker's of the world becuz they talk how the working class people REALLY feel.