I am not sure if this was mentioned yet, but the final scene with Paulie beating down Barone Jr. was a beautiful part of the show, besides the violence put on the poor guy. As you may recall, Paulie told him to push up 4g's a month to him. Earlier on Paulie mentioned to Tony its costing him that much for his aunt at grove. After that whole mother pleading to Tony thing to not hurt his son, well what is a better way for retribution then hurting another's mama's boy who sheltered him his whole like from the truth of his family. In a twist of fates, Paulie was also sheltered from his real life, his real origins.

After watching the episode for a 2nd time, and soon 2 be third time, i am starting to realize how much I am going to miss this show when its all over. I cannot wait for the Sacrimoni request..a presto

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