Originally posted by Bada Bing Ben:
no i am sorry. 24 is BEYOND far fetched. It's plain ridiculous. Jack Bauer would have been retired after series 1 in real life...aaaanyway.

The Sopranos is by far the best written, shot, directed and acted TV of the last 10 years.

Well that's your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it.

It's also a bit far fetched that the Boss of a mob family goes on hits himself and goes to meetings in the middle of the night, with people who are not a part of his "family," without a bodyguard. Tony Soprano would have been wacked after series 1 in real life after running all over town without a bodygaurd. But that doesn't make me dislike the show.

I have to disagree with you about the show being far fetched. IMO, which I am also entitled to just as you are yours, 24 is one of the best written shows on TV right now. I love the Sopranos too, but these are two different types of shows which really cannot be compared to each other for obvious reasons. Both are very well written shows.

Don Cardi

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Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.