Perhaps I should expand upon or "amplify" my previous post in this thread. I said I liked the episode and I stand by that. I defy anyone to show me a series on tv now that is better than this show. L&O is pretty decent with Imperioli and Farina and is making a come back I think but it's impact on pop culture has decreased quite a bit. It's made its mark and I think that one of these days it should bow out gracefully like N.Y.P.D. Blue did.

As for the episode, people could consider it "slower" or "weaker" than the previous episodes this season, but I think that was the intention and the point. We all know that something huge is gonna happen this Sun. but we think that every week and not every episode can be a total winner for every viewer. This episode did have a lot, and although I'm not Johnny Hip Hop or anything but I did notice that they used Treach from Naughty by Nature (guy who paid to get shot) and another famous rapper I think (guy who got shot what 9 times or so) but I forgot his name. I found the scene with Tony listening to the rapper in his hospital bed bitching (hey he did get shot 9 times maybe he was entitled to complain a bit ) and Tony's reactions to what was said kinda interesting to say the least. Tony's response to the rapper calling Tony an "o.g." or whatever "Yeah, whatever." was priceless I thought. Also, I found it kinda cool how everyone in the hospital bonded and I actually felt a bit sad when the scientist lost his larynx and we knew that he was gonna die.

I don't care what anybody says Chase is a genius and there is not too much more that can be said about the direction, casting, acting, production, cinematography etc. etc. of The Sopranos. It's like watching a new Mob movie every week.