To me, this was by far the best season opener in the series!(maybe with the exception of the pilot)If the rest of the season is as good as this episode we're in for a treat! I think that was the scariest I have ever seen Junior look when he shot Tony. My favorite line was in Melfi's office when Melfi says "A retirement community," and Tony responds: "It's a nursing home." I just thought it was funny because when anyone referred to Green Grove, they would call it a nursing home and Tony would make it sound better by calling it a retirement community. I noticed that Vito was being extra polite to Phil Leotardo, maybe he wants to get in good with New York somehow....or maybe he wants to give Phil a blow job! I didn't see a preview for next week's episode. I was pissed at first, but I think I like it better that way. It seems that the previews in previuos seasons were a little misleading.