This is what we all waited for, and I certainly was not disappointed, especially when my girlfriend thought Adriana was back from the dead...

I have to say that the suicide has to be focal point of this episode, not for really who died, but the meaning behind it for the show in general. To the suicide on its own, not only is his family now fucked (son, etc), but Vito gets all his ends now, who knows maybe even the $2mil.

Chase is pure genius! Uncle Jun shooting T, the Hesh incident, train track Bobby and the Soprano family personalities, is cause for a lot of speculation. Tony will be fine, I think Sil will become acting boss, Chris Underboss. I could go on here forever on speculations, but I have a whole week to think about this stuff before 9pm March 19th. Best show on the air..Welcome back Sopranos!!

ne plus ultra is italian