Originally posted by J Geoff:
A recovering drug addict? Not a chance. I'd say Paulie - consider the tension w/ Chrissy then! Or Sil. I can't think of anyone else as realistic as those two.
Good point, but I wouldn't think he would choose Paulie. Sil before Paulie, and I figure sense Sil is consigliori, he wouldn't pursue the role of boss. Paulie's just nuts. Christopher and Tony have been close due to the family thing. That's why I'd say Christopher.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin