i read in Arena Magazine (british gents lifestyle...ie not porn magazie) that a Sopranos game was on the cards.

Similarly Scarface and of course, as we all know, The Godfather.

I can understand how some may see this as cheapening The Sopranos; after all, The Sopranos has a lot to say about comntemporary life. The effect of the subtle humour and genius writing could be quite massively affected by making it into a video game...i mean video games are video games...they are not intended to make culutral statements or be a commentary of twenty-first century America...they are purely there to entertain, they are culturally disposable by their very nature.

Indeed, i might even go so far as to say that The Sopranos game might actually cause a great deal of annoyance and even anquish within this board...for it certainly shall affect the way we view the show both past episodes and future.

A movie similarly would not be able to do what Chase has created over 5 series. Unless of course it is a real epic on the scale of Once Upon a Time in America or The Godfather Part two.

Thats where you're wrong...out there its the 1990s. In here its 1952.