... Michael Imperioli, cooler then ever.



Here's one more I found.

Jimmy looking quite threatening. :rolleyes:

Figure Ill throw this in here too, in case anyone hasnt seen it yet. This is where you can view the Season 6 promotional video released by HBO. Click on the drop down bar under "Promotional Clips" and pick the one called "Season 6 Exclusive." Pretty good stuff.

Lastly, I read somewhere, and this is another link Ive since lost, that a dream sequence was filmed in which Tony walks into an old fashioned country-type Inn, “glowing” with a sort of heavenly light, and Tony Blundetto, Steve Buscemi, his dead cousin, greets him on the porch. The article was talking about how the whole street was rented out to accommodate for all of the crew’s trailers and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm tired. I'll try to put up more stuff as I find it. Any other additions are appreciated. And remember, only 5 MORE MONTHS!!!!

I dream in widescreen.