Although Tony was out of jail when GFII was made, he did not appear in it (I think that he started acting during 1977 or 1978). However, he (and the rest of the Sopranos cast) seems to know the GF films extremely well...

“Rolling Stone” recently interviewed the cast of the HBO hit series, "The Sopranos", and revealed that Tony Sirico (Paulie Walnuts) has seen the first Godfather about 100 times, and the second one about 50. Steven Van Zandt (Silvio), whose frequent imitation of Al Pacino’s Michael Corleone is one of the highlights of the show, has seen both of them about 50 times. Michael Imperioli (Christopher) claims that for the past 20 years his family has had a tradition of watching the first 3 hours of the entire saga on Christmas Eve and then the rest on Christmas morning. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Frederickson says, laughing. “They know every line of dialogue in the movie.” He adds that he is a huge fan of "The Sopranos". “I watch it every Sunday night.”

Christopher: Louis Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
Sal: LUCA Brasi, Luca.