Originally posted by Montauk:

SOLLOZZO: (TO MCCLUSKEY) I'm gonna speak Italian to Michael.

MCCLUSKEY: Go ahead.

SOLLOZZO: (TO MICHAEL) Eddie's biyatchay?

MICHAEL: E saleed.

S: Good... Tu eyes a vee-ay. A keeta goza chezgra a mia tu padre. A un goza de bisinis. Eh? I un grozza respect a pa tu padre. Moltu padre. Benza banteek!!! E tu mo loah capide. Kay-AY-oh! Son o more di amore.

M: Como deddyyyyyy.... sssssstikose. Ay such.

S: Row sigh ay.

(and so forth)
lol i didnt understand a thing u wrote "Eddie's biyatchay?" do mean Mi dispiace, but anyway the reason im pretty sure why they dont have subtitles is becuase it is a long dialoug and Coppola didnt like putting to many on the scene becuase it ruins the moment. He only does it when it is absolutly nessecary.