There are too many reasons to list for loving the Godfather movies but as a history major and future teacher there is one that stands out. Many of you have stated that the Godfather reminds you of your own childhood and times with your family. I would suggest that the Godfather reminds America of her good old days. If you notice the story of the young idealistic war hero Michael begins in 1945 after the end of WWII. The war was over, the economic depression had dissipated, and anything seemed possible. The 1950s are a time of prosperity and growth then in the 1960s things seem to fall apart. The Vietnam war divides the nation, feminism, divorce,and abortion create different atmospheres at home and an innocence seems to be gone forever. It is not lost on me that the same story happens to the Corleone family. From the happy simple times of the post war years to the turbulent years of the sixties they follow closely the timeline and growing pains of the nation.

Winegardner sleeps with the fishes.