Members, be assured I have no particular attachment to the character Adriana. She was really as much an "airhead" as a "crackhead".

The reason I hold out the possibility she could resurrect (be assured I hold no possibility whatever of a Tony B resurrection) is that the producers chose not to show her "dead, dead, dead". While the depiction hardly had to be as "graphic" as that for Tony B or, last season, Ralphie, it could have been "mild" such as was the depiction of Lorraine earlier this season.

Possibly the actress, Ms DeMateo, had a contractual provision with the production company that her character would not be depicted as dead. But failing that, that Adriana's death was not shown, the door for a Season 6 resurrection is open, even though I will acknowledge not all that wide.

Thanking the Forum in advance for allowing me to post this; I certainly will agree that any further discussion by me on this point would be "beating the dead horse".