It was obvious how hard it was for Tony to kill Tony B to save him from the long tortous death he would have otherwise endured. I agree with SC that, in Tony's mind, it was a mercy killing.

I don't think he'd kill Christopher either, at least not at this point and I agree with RB that the others in crew would wonder if for one slip up they'd be next.

Tony running when the Feds pulled up to the house, seemed realistic, in that, obviously that was the only thing he could do, plus you wouldn't expect Tony to be a fast mover looking somewhat awkward tackling the cold/wet/snowy environment while on the run. At first I was wondering if an agent would find him and shoot him, and end the season there.

Yes SC, I wouldn't mind if Phil Leotardo bit the bullet either (even if it is PLaw's bud :p ). The way he talked to Chris' mother??? Mama mia!!! :p

One question however, Tony's car was there and the Feds surely will find it. Since Tony's lawyer told him he wasn't mentioned in the indictment, does that mean Tony's clear for now, as far as the feds are concerned????

AJ may have finally found his niche in "event planning" hu?

Oh, and on another thread we were talking about "loose ends". Well, one very minor loose end was resolved......The picture of Tony and his beloved horse hanging on the wall at Paulie's house, now in the dumpster.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon