The debate is strictly about what RATS Tony has killed personally, not all ALL of his victims.

Overall, Tony has personally killed five people on this show:
Febby Petrulio
Chucky Signore
Matthew Bevilaqua
Big Pussy Bonpensiero
Ralph Cifaretto

Of those five victims, only Febby and Pussy were rats. Chucky was a rival mobster who had to go in the Junior-Tony conflict, Matthew was killed in retaliation for the shooting of Christopher, and Ralph was killed because of the mistaken notion that he burned Pie O My.

So, Tony has killed 2 rats personally. Silvio has killed 3 rats personally: Jimmy Altieri, Pussy, and Adriana.

We all clear on this now?

"Keep your body strong, your blood clean, and your mind sharp and mean." Henry Rollins