Originally posted by Huntz:
One thing I notice in all these possibe outcomes is nothing mentioned about Dr.Melfi.
Ok Huntz: In Tony's last session, Melfi finally tells Tony that she was raped. Tony goes berserk, jumps out the window and kills himself. No that's no good.

The season ends with Tony at the Bing. He's deep in thought (brooding). He looks up and Melfi is doing a dance on the stage, twirling around the pole. Then out comes Carmella, doing the same thing. Next, Meadow. Its too much for Tony. He bolts from the Bing, storms down the road in his Escalade goes 100 mph down Rt. 17, turns onto Rt 20, misses the turn, upside down in the Meadowlands swamps and drowns.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12