Prior to the ending, the Sopranos and the Lupritazi's are at war. Johnny Sac ends up dead, and little Carmine is left in place to run the family. A peace is supposedly made. This leads up to the end...

Eventually, Adriana's ties to the FBI finaly surface and are revealed to Tony's crew. Chris is distraught but realizes what has to be done. Also his anger towards Adriana for betraying him is overwhelming him. Tony lets Chris know that there is only one way he can be salvaged in all of this, and that is that he would have to be the one to take care of the hit. He knows that it has to be done, so he agrees. Behind Tony's back, Paulie tells Chris that he can do it if Chris cant manage. At first Chris is reluctant to take Paulie up on his offer, but at the last minute, he realizes that he cant bring himself to kill the woman he loves, or at least loved. Paulie gets the call and kills her. After shes dead, Chris's anger toward Adriana dramatically and spontaniousely shifts towards Paulie for doing the deed. In a dramatic fight between the two, Chris ends up beating Paulie to death.

Tony begins to realize the feelings he still has for Carmella and he tries to make things right again. At the same time, Furio overcome with love for Carmella, returns to the states, and begins to plan the neccecary murder of Tony.

After receiving an invitation from Tony, Carmella goes over to his house for dinner. Her hidden but mutual feelings for Tony led her to accept the invite. After dinner, the two make ammends and vow to get back together. They proceed to make love when Furio burts into the lightless room and fires a barage of bullets at the bed. Tony is unscathed, but Carmella is hit in the chest and is bleeding badly. After a flash of lightning from outside floods the room with light, Furio realizes that it was Carmella whom he shot. In a deep shock, Furio runs over to help her and completely forgets about Tony, who pulls out a gun and burries a clip into Furio killing him. Carmella is clearly bleeding to death, and a frantic Tony is scurrying to help her. He runs to the window to use the drapes to cover her wound, when another flash of light reveals 5 or 6 of Carmine's men on the lawn. They fire their machine guns and Tony is shot multiple times. He and Carmella die together...

Apparently, the Soprano crew sold out Tony to Carmine. Tony's death was the only way to make ammends for the death of Johnny Sac. Peace is again restored, and with Christopher off missing after Paulie's murder, Silvio Dante takes over as boss.

Sort of a Shakespearian way to end things. Lets just say that I wouldnt be disapointed if it happened this way.

"You can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once."
-Amarillo Slim