Watched it "live" last night, and have since watched the episode again just now.

This was one of Chase's "specials", in dealing with one story plot which breaks up the flow of subplots, and which can stand as one single episode on their own--just like "College" and "Pine Barrens" were.

They definitely keep getting better, although I'm missing Feech already! Imperioli's acting was fantastic, as was Falco (the best on the show).

I don't know about you guys, but since Chris kicked his drug habit, I've really warmed to him, and think he's more mature than ever. I couldn't help but sympathise with him, the way Tony was speaking to him after the crash: "You scored way over your head when you got her." Uncalled for from Tony, and Chris' reaction, although OTT, was understandable, given his past record.

Nice to see Tony Blundetto becoming a likeable (for once!) character. But next week's trailer sees him, Davey Scatino style, gambling at a table and apparently getting into trouble because of it. Can't be good at all.

The direction in this episode was again awesome. I loved the movement (pans, zooms, dollies, etc) with every cut. And AJ's soon going to learn to appreciate Carmela a bit more too.

Fantastic episode, and another reason why I class season five to be the best season so far.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?