Having gone through a parent with Alzheimers (used to be called senility) its a complicated, debilitating disease. But you can put Junior's condition "infarcs" or mini-strokes, Alzheimers and dementia under the same umbrella. The brain is affected and in turn so will certain functions; physical and mental. Memory is the first noticeable one. The repetitive statements are another. Medication may control it or delay it, but never cure it.

Junior will get worse over time. Junior's search for Johnny is classic dementia. Your first reaction (like Tony's) is to try and use logic and rationale to make them understand or reason with them, but its useless. One day my mother started packing to move from a house she lived in and owned for 40 years because she said the landlord was evicting her.

It should be very interesting to see where Chase takes this.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12