Its kind of hard to catergorize the first three episodes. As you can see our comments cover a wide range. I like them. I think Chase has a big challenge by introducing several new characters and keeping old plotlines developing. No doubt the tension is building up; Sack and Soprano, the NY family, Chrisopher and Tony, Christopher and Adriana, Adriana and FBI, Paulie and Feech, Tony B and Tony S., Janice and Bobby. Kind of like the Ralphie/Tony tension of last season, but more potential combinations.

Frank Vincent was excellent. Feech is bit overdone, but Robert Loggia can sell it. Episode 3 - no Melfi, no Carmella, no Meadow. Lots of Junior - last scene was touching. Having lived through my mother with Alzheimers, I know how the beginning stages can be very frustrating and confusing for the family.

A side point: One thing that seems a little unrealistic. All these old guys beating people up; Johnny Sack last year (?) beating up one of Tony's guys in Little Italy, Feech pummeling Vittro, Paulie smacking the LaManna guy. What happened to the muscle-guys doing the dirty work. For a 70+ year old guy, Feech didn't even break a knuckle.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12