This was an excellent episode. I am still wondering about Junior's alzheimer. Junior walking around with a bathrobe and slippers is sort of reminescent of Vinnie "The Chin" Gigante. At the end of the episode Junior never answers Tony's question, "Don't you love me Uncle Jun?" It looked like Junior was about to cry. Paulie was hilarious. First he is listening to Sun Tsu than he is beating the crap out of the one guy with the shovel causing the other one to fall from the tree. I loved the way he explained it at the sitdown that the guy in the tree was coming at him with a chainsaw. The best scene was Frank Vincent's after he beats up Lorraine. The only reason she was allowed to walk away was the phonebook stopped the bullet. The biggest idiot is Christopher. Tony tells him to shut up but he goes on like he is consigliere when they are with Johnny Sac. I liked Johnnys retort about how Chris used to wait in the car and should still be doing that. Johnny sees that Chris is not ready for the position Tony gave him.

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