
Godfather 1

Favorite Scene : Baptism scene

Favorite Quote : "You spend time with your family?...Good. Cause a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Carlo

Favorite Male Character : Vito

Favorite Female Character : Appolonia

Best Performance(the actor) : Brando

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Vito crying over Sonny's coffin saying, "Look how they've massacred my boy."

Funniest part in the movie : "Whattya gonna do? Nice college boy, eh? Don't wanna get mixed up in the family business? And now you wanna gun down a police captain, what, cuz he slapped you in the face a little bit? This isn't the army where you shoot 'em a mile away, you gotta get up close like this and badaBING you blow their brains all over your nice ivy league suit!"

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 6 grin

Most annoying character : Connie

Favorite deleted scene : Vito and Michael talking in the garden


Godfather 2

Favorite Scene : "Mio padre se chiamo Antonio Andolini, e quisto e per ti!"

Favorite Quote : "Mio padre se chiamo Antonio Andolini, e quisto e per ti!" grin

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Don Ciccio

Favorite Male Character : Vito

Favorite Female Character : Both Carmellas

Best Performance(the actor) : DeNiro

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Vito killing Don Ciccio lol

Funniest part in the movie : "Michael Corleone did THIS, and uh...Michael Corleone did THAT" lol

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 5

Most annoying character : Kay

Favorite deleted scene : Vito killing the other 2 guys

Best Ending(which movie had the best ending) : Part 2



Did you read the book (yes/no) : no

Do you have any rare Godfather items / Memorabilia? no

Would you like to see Godfather 4? no

The "mother" of all questions-who killed the Tahoe assassins? We'll never know!

Fav animal in the movies (Khartoum(Woltz' horse)/Don Corelone's cat/Fish in Luca's vest/Michaels' dog/The sheeps in Sicily) : Vito's cat

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!