Godfather 1

Favorite Scene : Baptism (yea, its an obvious choice, but I love it.)

Favorite Quote : "I don't care how many dago guinea-wop greaseball goombahs come outta the word-work!" (yea, its a rather racist statement, but Woltz was just funny.)

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Carlo (that bastard!)

Favorite Male Character : Vito

Favorite Female Character : Appolonia (mmmmmmm)

Best Performance(the actor) : Marlon Brando

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : The baptism

Funniest part in the movie : When Neri shuts the door on Kay at the end of the movie. Right there, she knew she'd been had. lol

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 5

Most annoying character : tie (Kay and Connie)

Favorite deleted scene : Fabrizio getting whacked


Godfather 2

Favorite Scene : tie: Mike and Fredo's last conversation ("IT AIN'T DA WAY I WANTED IT!")/The flashback scene at the end. Heart-wrenching.

Favorite Quote : "ROCCO! ALIVE!"

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : The hit on Don Ciccio

Favorite Male Character : Fredo

Favorite Female Character : Carmella (old Carmella)

Best Performance(the actor) : a tie between Pacino, Duvall, De Niro, and Cazale. They all put in fantastic performances. Gazzo, too.

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Vito stalking Fanucci

Funniest part in the movie : Mike shutting the door on Kay (see a pattern starting here grin )

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 5

Most annoying character : Kay

Favorite deleted scene : The boys slitting Fanucci's throat


Godfather 3

Favorite Scene : Mary getting shot

Favorite Quote : "No dad!" (so bad its good, and you know it!)

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Mary

Favorite Male Character : Mike

Favorite Female Character : Diane Keaton (Ok, I hate the character of Kay, but Keaton pulled it off flawlessly.)

Best Performance(the actor) : Al Pacino

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Mary getting shot (why couldn't it have happened 2, maybe 3 times?!?!)

Funniest part in the movie : Mary getting shot

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 2 (although it went up a notch or two when Mary got shot)

Most annoying character : Mary

Favorite deleted scene : The one no one has ever seen, when the bullet that hit Mary ricocheted (sp?) off a rib and caught Kay in the temple. They shoulda left it in. (Ok I made that up, but can't a guy wish?)

GF Trilogy

These questions are for the 3 movies together:

Fav movie of the 3(and why) : The Godfather. It started a legacy that hasn't been matched. Brando's performance was second to none.

Fav scene : The final conversation with Fredo and Mike. Cazale blows me away every single time I see that scene. It's heartbreaking.

Fav hit : Mary, 'nuff said.

Fav Male Character: Michael Corleone. I've never witnessed a more complex character in cinema than Michael Corleone. I'd pick Vito, but his character isn't as pronounced, or as layered as Mike's.

Fav Female Character : Appolonia. Yea, she's in GF1 for every bit of 20 minutes, but damn she's fine!

Best Performance : Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone.

Best story (Which one of the 3 had the best story): Part II

Fav quote : "Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."

Most annoying character : Mary (she sucks she sucks she sucks!!!!!!!)

Best Ending(which movie had the best ending) : GF1, the Baptism scene.



Did you read the book (yes/no) : Yes, about 7 times

If you did,what do you like more,Book or Movies?(and why) Usually, the book is better than the film. But in this case, I gotta go with the film. It left out most of the irrelevant stuff, and stuck with what worked. Although if I could change anything in the movie script, I woulda added in all the deleted scenes of Sonny.

Do you have any rare Godfather items / Memorabilia? No, but I'm working on it.

Would you like to see Godfather 4? At this point, no, absolutely not.

Who would you like to see playing in GF4? Al, Andy Garcia, Talia Shire (is she still alive?), I dunno who else.

Who would you NOT like to see in GF4? Sofia Coppola.

The "mother" of all questions-who killed the Tahoe assassins? Connie, cuz she had to wait on line to see her brother.

Fav animal in the movies (Khartoum(Woltz' horse)/Don Corelone's cat/Fish in Luca's vest/Michaels' dog/The sheeps in Sicily) : The cat rules!!!

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis