WARNING: This post contains many SPOILERS. If you haven't seen The Sopranos third season you may want to stop reading this and move onto another post. Thank you.

I was just wondering how you fellow Soprano fans felt about Jackie Jr's demise. Do you think the hit on Jackie Jr. was justified?

It was Ralphie who had to make the call, as we know Tony and Ralphie were having conflict between each other, but Ralphie is a good earner and so when Gigi passed away Tony had chosen Ralphie to replace Gigi as acting Capo. Ralphie tried to pass the buck back on Tony, but Tony basically told him that it was his responsibility and he had to make the choice.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I felt sorry for the poor kid. I mean true he did do something stupid when he robbed Chris, Furio and the rest of them while playing a card game. Chris is a made guy and you don't do those kinds of things to them. Very poor choice, however, why didn't Tony step in to save the kid? True Tony warned the guy about the life, but how come he didn't intervene on his behalf? After all, Tony did the same thing and got away with when he was younger. Comments?

"I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me!?!"