Episode 55: "Painting the Picture"
Running time: 54 minutes

One of Albert Barese’s associates holds an untaxed card game. Frankie Moresco, on the orders of Larry Boy Barese, pays him a visit and breaks the guy’s back with a hammer.

Artie’s restaurant fire didn’t do too much damage, and Tony visits the Buccos and insists in paying for the refurbishment, as a way of paying off his restaurant tab. While both Buccos are at first hesitant, Artie does not want to insult Tony and agrees, while Charmaine is convinced that Tony is feeling guilty for setting the fire. Artie dismisses the accusation with a harsh, foul-mouthed protest.

At her art class, Carmela meets a gentleman called Rick Dusco. He asks her out for dinner, and after hesitation she agrees. They have lunch after the class and Rick gives Carmela his number.

Jennifer Melfi has a sex dream about her ex-patient, Tony Soprano. She tells her therapist, Elliot Kupferberg, of it. He helps her conclude that she has feelings for the man, though not necessarily sexual thoughts, and that she misses nursing him. For some reason, Elliot tells her, she desperately wants to treat the patient again. Melfi does not tell him that she is treating Tony’s wife, Carmela.

At lunch, Tony discusses life with Meadow and AJ. Meadow lets slip that she knew about her mother’s liking of Furio. Tony is enraged, and at the Bada Bing that night has a panic attack. Silvio finds him in the lavatory on the floor, his head cut badly.

Carmela tells Melfi of her dinner with Rick. Melfi implies that Carmela is not over Tony, and Carmela has a tantrum about the therapist “trying to force thoughts onto her.” Carmela walks out. That night, Melfi has another dream about her and Tony.

Tony calls Melfi reluctantly, and she agrees to see him again. Tony is baffled by Melfi’s more-than-welcome approach over the phone.

Over in New York, the other four Families are busting Carmine’s balls over a business decision with New Jersey. Carmine has no choice but to go back on his deal with Tony regarding the calling card and mail fraud scams. Johnny Sac advises that it will produce bad blood between New Jersey and New York, but Carmine, with words being passed on from the other Families, really has no choice in the matter.

Rick drives Carmela home after the art class. He moves to kiss her but Carmela obliges him to only go as far as the cheek with a turn of her head. She invites him in for coffee and he accepts. AJ is home, but makes his presence on the stairs unknown, as he watches Rick drink coffee, with a morose expression.

Tony returns to Melfi. He blames himself for the splitting with Carmela. Melfi tells him the contrary, that these things are inevitable after years of a marriage no longer based on love. Tony confesses he loved Carm more than anything in the world and he hasn’t even kissed a broad since they split up. He is unaware that Carm has been seeing Melfi.

Albert Barese visits his cousin, but Larry is “unavailable,” according to Frankie Moresco. Ally warns Frankie not to intrude on Ally’s card games again. Frankie retaliates by warning Albert not to hold untaxed games again.

Janice and Bobby visit Uncle Junior in hospital. Recovering from his heart attack, Junior also has his first major operation to remove the cancer tissue in his body. Bobby, Jr. has an accident on his bicycle. Bobby Bacala, Snr. has to leave the hospital. Janice is mad that Bobby can not stay with her while she waits for Junior’s operation to end.

Adriana goes shopping with her Fed friend and the two even have coffee at Starbuck’s. Adriana is squeezed for information, but she is way past the stage of worrying now. These guys are her friends, right?

Tony tells Melfi about Furio in their second session. Melfi asks how that makes Tony feel. “How do I feel? I feel like I wanna smash the guy’s face into a fuckin’ pulp. Am tellin’ ya, if this guy ever comes back, he’s gonna wish he didn’t.” After an awkward pause of silence, Tony asks Melfi how her life is going since he left three months before, to which, in typical Melfi fashion, she replies “You know, I get by. We all get by.” She is quick to get back onto talking about Tony’s problems. Tony admits that he made a mistake in quitting therapy, and that he’ll always be a mental retard. Melfi disagrees, believing he makes great progress in his sessions and there is nothing wrong with being able to talk to somebody about one’s feelings. Tony tells her she seems happier than ever. Melfi replies with a raise of the eyebrows and a polite look away.

The boys visit Junior on his return home. Chris, Silvio, Hesh and Tony talk more about their own lives than of Junior’s, much to the disappointment to of the attention-seeking old Soprano. Bobby Bacala is not part of the discussion, instead sitting by Junior’s bed, ready for another call from Junior to “go make some coffee.” Paulie shows up late, and gives his respectful regards to Junior. He acknowledges Tony with a nod. Silvio gives Tony a look that translates to “disrespectful motherfucker.” Paulie has no words to say to Chris. Hell, he doesn’t even acknowledge Moltisanti’s presence in the room.

Carmela, not happy with her treatment from Melfi, visits the church therapist for advice on life. He, being religious, reminds her that she is not yet divorced from Tony, and technically is sinning by seeing another man. She insists that Rick is only a friend. The counsellor advises, “Things lead to other things, Carmela. Always.”

Tony has another sit-down with Larry Boy and Albert. Silvio and Christopher are present too. Larry Boy is strictly told to back off Ally, and to tell “that Vegas cocksucker to keep the fuck away from the people above him. Made guy or not, Albert is captain of the crew and Frankie has no fuckin’ say in the matter. Period.” Tony also adds that it would be expected for the guy whose back Moresco broke to be paid a visit in hospital. Larry Boy agrees. Tony also lets Albert know that untaxed card games will not be tolerated. This satisfies Larry Boy—but only to an extent. They exchange embraces and take their leave. Christopher tells Tony he doesn’t like the way things look since Larry Boy’s return from prison. Tony reassures him things will settle down, and Silvio corroborates, saying it’s understandable when the guy’s just come out of the pan. Tony asks Christopher what “all that” was about at Junior’s the other day. Chris tells him Paulie is holding a grudge against him for the Executive Card Game incident.

Bobby returns home. Janice calls by and starts to cry, telling him she feels empty and that he is leaving her. He isn’t buying any of it and claims she doesn’t understand because she never even tried to bring up her kid, Harpo. This shuts her up and she leaves after yelling and smashing a plate. Bobby, Jr. watches from the window.

Tony and Chris meet with Johnny Sac. Sac tells him that New York is going back on its deal, and all agreements made are now off. Tony asks him if he’s breaking his balls. He isn’t. Christopher tries to interrupt, but Sac is quick to cut him off: “Listen, Chris, you’re not experienced at this, okay. No disrespect, but shut the fuck up.” Chris looks at Tony for support, but doesn’t get any. He decides to wait in the car. Tony makes his feelings about the deal be known. Sac assures him that it wasn’t his idea, but Carmine’s. He tells Tony that Carmine, in his old age, is getting power crazy and his ambition is becoming too big. Tony reminds Johnny that “that card was off a long time ago.” When Johnny brushes off Tony’s implication that he was implying to whack Carmine, Tony leaves with a big, sarcastic grin.

As the episode ends, we see a refurbishing van pull up at Artie’s restaurant. While Artie shows them into the place, Charmaine looks on with shameful eyes. Meanwhile, Rick Dusco shows up at art class. Carmela does not.


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You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?