Originally posted by Knocc Out:
[b]Too Much Profanity?

this is a real life show reflecting how real life works, and in real life people tend to swear a lot, this is a show for adults and its on at adult times, so why cutout the swearing? its not as if we dont hear the word "fuck" at least once a day anyway
Note: The original post is call TOO MUCH profanity, meaning that I personally believe there is an unreasonable amount of profanity in the Sopranos, which not only takes away from the dialogue, but also gets old. You have to admit it, sometimes the characters become so predictable it’s dismal. Granted, for the sake of reality I think there should be violence and profanity, sure. Let’s not get overboard here though, it’s stupid how sometimes no one can put together a sentence on the show without the use of at least one cuss word, not a exactly a humble expression of intelligence.

"I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me!?!"