Don Vercetti, as always you have brought up some interesting points. Generational gaps have a lot to do with what is accepted and what is not, but I am not willing to discredit all those phenomenal performances of the likes of Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, Robert Duval, Gregory Peck, Edwards G Robinson (to name a few) and many others just because when they performed their roles certain elements weren't permitted because of society's stance. That is absurd and I do not consider their performances to be “fake” either mobbingformoney. Picture The Godfather &The Godfather II being done today was certain contents are allowed. Say they added more graphic violence, more blood and gore, more profanity, more sexual content; I guarantee we would not see the same results. In regards of “being down to Earth” let me remind you that movies are actors portraying fictional and real life characters, sure they are to make it as realistic as possible, but there needs to be reason kept. This is movies we are talking about, not real life. We can get the picture without all the details, in fact many of the older productions (classics I might add) use talking instead of illustrations, (e.i. “so and so was raped and murdered” instead of showing the scene) do you see where I am coming from? :p doesn't take much thought to say 4 or 5 cuss words in a single sentence and doesn't illustrate much intelligence, and these underbosses and don and what not aren't stupid, so why add stupidity?

"I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me!?!"