Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
I do agree to an extent that the sexual content should not be emphasised as much. Take into consideration that at the time of The Godfather et al violence and bad language, as well as sex scenes were not considered to be the norm--just think of the controversy sparked by a couple of seconds of a horse's head in a bed!

Cinema has come a long way, and violence these days is, in films, as normal as a bit romance.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Nobody is forcing you. I see your point about the sex, but the violence only adds realism to the show, instead of romanticising the whole genre, much like other films have.

You and Lucky are right about ratings and the choices to watch these movies and programs, but come on. You have to admit a lot of what they show on regular TV can removed. Ok, here is an example, when Sharon Stone goes down on Pesci in Casino, we all know what was going on and they didn't show it. Why can't movies be more like the older classics, like Little Caesar, there's a classic and for it's time, I'm sure it was said to be graphic, but now a-days it's just plain rediculous what they can show on regular TV as far as I'm concerned! There's no "rating" there. The older movies have great plots and story-lines without the crap that you see now, that is all I am saying. Look at Road to Perdition, that wasn't as gory and the language wasn't as bad, only in a few given scenes. Why not chalenge the audience's imagination and thought by letting us figure it out, we aren't stupid, we know what is going on in many situations without seeing it.

"I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me!?!"