Pretty amusing i'd say, i love the scene with Adriana throwing up over the FBI table. Ralphie seemed pretty hyperactive again in last nights episode, blatanty over-doing the coke, he's without a doubt the nost arrogant member of the Soprano family. Chris getting back into drugs was also quite fun to watch. "My goodbye party with Heroin".

My personal favorite moment has gotta be the argument between Tony and Med, "Mr.Mob boss". Tony's reaction to thaat was captivating, great acting.
However, is anyone else confused about Silvio? I thought he was consigliere to Tony, why would he be annoyed with Chrisy's part time promotion when he's ranked higher than him anyway? That annoyed me.

Best quote is obviously the Ginny Sack remark Ralphie made.

Anyone else confused about Silvio ???