I just completed watching Season 3 yesterday. Now, I'll probably have to wait untill July until I can see Seaon 4. Anyone have any DVD information yet? Pine Barrons was probably the best. Great humor and acting. I was surprised that Steve Buschemi didn't act in this one as well. The first few episode were kind of brutal with the rape and Ralph's cold-blooded murder. That was one thing that really dissapointed me. I was really hoping that Ralph would be dead by the end of the season. I also liked his charming Gladiator obsession, and the way the actor was able to portray him as someone who could actually be likeable if you were to just casually meet him. Well, I hope to see some more justice with Season 4 (which I know little about, so if you talk about it in this thread, giving a spoiler warning would be great). I've heard some less then praiseful things about it on the internet and a little bit on SNL's weekend update where Jimmy Fallon stated something like "It was reported that when The Sopranos first aired, it inspired many people to take up therapy. With this season, it inspired many people to be boring."

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"