I actually kinda liked season III.
Overall... this one REALLY sucked... I honestly can't say that it was entertaining or surprising in the least... where can I get some of that MAD doje that Chase is smoking? He turned all of my favourite characters into losers [Tony, Christopher, Paulie, and Furio] and left us hanging off of soooo many subplots.

What's the deal with Janice and Bobby?
Meadow? AJ?
I could go on and on...

I was very dissapointed in this season... I expected soooo much... possible war with New York... maybe a little Meadow T & A... violence!

But instead of that Chase just kinda dicked it off and made it the modern Italian version of The Little House on the Praire. It makes me sick.

[Cathouse was good though, I wish MY mother would take me to a brothel. ]


There's nothin' on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds.